Friday, January 27, 2012

11 weeks

(Originally written on January 5, 2012)

This week I bought Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion for stretch marks to put on my belly/hips. I know the facts show that it probably won't help, but I figure it can't hurt!

Gender: No idea

Size of baby: Lime
Sleep: I've been having weird dreams and waking up frequently. It's hard to get and stay comfortable.

Movement: Nope

Feeling: I was thisclose to throwing up one morning. Absolutely must eat first thing... and right before bed... and about every 2 hours. I'm sooo hungry all the time! I thought for a minute that my aversion to most foods was fading when I had a Chicago Fire craving (that was of course fed), but it's still sticking around. Also, it's not consistent, but I've had a few days when I was completely exhausted by 3 p.m. and needed a nap!

What I miss: Cooking delicious dinners (pretty much haven't cooked in a month).

What I'm looking forward to: 2nd tri and telling the world!

Best moment this week: New Years Eve was lots of fun - we went to our friends' annual party. Talking about the pregnancy with everyone made it feel a lot more real. I was super tired but happily made it until midnight (though, we were home by 12:30 :)

Worst moment this week: Bad sleep - waking up throughout the night. Must order my Snoogle (pregnancy body pillow) ASAP!

Milestones: My jeans are getting really uncomfortable when I'm sitting down. I put all my extra tight ones up high in the closet since I won't be needing them for quite some time.

Baby's fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming.
Cravings: Mangoes! I've been having one every day.

Food aversions: Chicken, beef, beans.

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