Hello again! Sorry for my nearly three week absence. Work is a biatch at the moment, and will continue to be for the rest of the month. So, so many projects going on at once!!
James and I went to my hometown parents' new home in thier new town on Easter. I helped stood around a lot while Mom decorated the new house.
My brother, his girlfriend, and my grandma came over for Easter dinner. We all happened to be wearing green (all but Mom who went and found a green jacket so that she could be in this picture :)
Also, James has now entered the final six weeks of his Physical Therapy Assistant program (five left)! No more night classes, just 40 hours a week of working at a local hospital. Now we actually get to see each other after work - so nice! This externship will be over in May and shortly after that he'll take two licensing exams. Then he'll be a PTA!
We've also made some wedding planning progress, which I'll blog about a little later. I can tell you that I've now purchased ALL the paper and envelopes for our invitations that I'm going to make myself. Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to blog about them until our guests have received them in late July. Sorry, but I just can't spoil the surprise!
We went to happy hour, dinner, and barhopping with a big group of friends on Friday night. We had lots of fun! I don't have any pictures, but rest assured there were plenty of shenanigans to be had.
I'll leave you with a few recent photos.
Badass picture of James at Ocean View Park in Santa Cruz

Jack, Tom & James (Jack is the cat, Tom is the brother)

Easter (sans makeup :S)